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be made from造句

  • 2023-05-16 20:40:59

be made from造句?

be made from造句

1.There's money to be made from tourism.旅游业非常有利可图。

2.An unlimited number of copies can still be made from the original仍可以由原件复印出无数份副本来。

3.Synthetic silk can be made from wood fibres.人造丝可用木纤维制造。

4.This car was made from factory.

Seat covers on coaches take a lot of wear and tear so they need to be made from strong material.


I can make better biscuits, myself, than can be made from patent batters.

就说我本人, 我做的软饼比用那些获得专利的稠糊糊的东西做出的还要好.

