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my 到主格是同类词有哪些

  • 2023-05-16 23:02:57

my 到主格是同类词有哪些?

my  到主格是同类词有哪些


1、my的主格:I 英 [a] pron,我,例句,I believed his lies for years.,我很多年都对他的谎话信以为真。I'll need flash for this shot,拍这个镜头我需要闪光灯。I couldn't stand that yowling,我无法忍受那种哀嚎。

2、I thought we had been burgled,我本以为我们被盗了。I used to play dominoes there,我过去常在那里玩多米诺骨牌游戏。The fish I caught was yay big,我钓的鱼有这么大呢。

3、I go jogging fairly regularly,我差不多经常练习慢跑。I've lent the car to a friend,我把车借给一位朋友了。I'll help you if you're stuck,你要是难住了,我来帮你。I counted the money carefully,我仔细点了这笔钱

主格I 宾格 me 形容词性物主代词 my

反身代词myself 名词性物主代词mine

my是第一人称单数的形容词性物主代词,同类词有your, his ,her, its 等等。

