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get off意思

  • 2023-05-16 19:56:12

get off意思?

get off意思

逃避; 被宣告无罪; 入睡;从 ... 下来;离开;出发;动身拓展资料:短语get-off 下来 ; 出发 ; 脱下 ; 得到get rich off sth 靠get wind off 探出get caught off guard 放松警戒We Get Tomorrow Off 我们明天放假get time off 休假get out off 下get ripped off 被敲竹杠 ; 上当受骗Lets get get OFF 让获得脱离例句1、That roof is dangerous, do get off. 那房顶太危险,千万要下来。2、Excuse me, I have to get off at the next stop. 劳驾,我必须在下一站下车。3、I get off at the next stop and walk back toward them. 我在前面一站下了车,转身迎面朝他们走过去。4、If you get off course, talk it over with your attorney and get back on track. 如果你不再航线上,同你的律师谈论下并且重新回到轨道上。5、Democracy would take us where we wanted to go, not our own effort. Sometimes you have to get off and push. 民主会把我们带到我们想去的地方,但光靠我们的努力还不行,有时候要下车推一推。

动身; 免于受罚; 下来; 下车; 脱下(衣服); (飞机)起飞

