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but if 的虚拟语气

  • 2023-05-16 20:09:19

but if 的虚拟语气?

but if 的虚拟语气

1)if 非真实条件句所表示的假设则是不可能或不大可能发生或实现的,句中的主句与从句都用虚拟语气。


假设类型 条件从句谓语动词形式 主句谓语动词形式

与现在事实相反 动词过去时(be 用 were) Should(would,could,might) + 动词原形

与过去事实相反 Had + 过去分词 Should(would,could, might)+ have + 过去分词

与将来事实可能相反 动词过去时(should+动词原形,were to + 动词原形) Should(would,could,might)+ 动词原形

1.But if you are not satisfied then go elsewhere但是如果你不满意,就换个地方。

2.Life would continue to be hard but if they sat tight and trusted him things would get better.生活依然会很艰辛,但是如果他们能静观其变,并且信任他,一切会慢慢好起来的。

3.It's not something I would care to try myself but if she wants to, good luck to her.这件事我自己是不想做的,但如果她想试一试,祝愿她成功。

