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goes on doing和to do的区别

  • 2023-05-16 22:17:55

goes on doing和to do的区别?

goes on doing和to do的区别

go on doing sth.意思为“继续(干某事),持续不断地(干某事)”,表示一直在做某事,没有做其他事.例如:

Water goes on running along the channels to the river.

They went on talking on the way home.

【注意】它和 go on to do sth.和 go on with sth.的区别.

go on to do sth.表示“(干完某事后)继续干另外一件事”,强调接着干另外一件事;go on doing sth.强调持续干同样一件事; go on with sth.通常情况下,强调在停顿之后继续原来的活动,with后通常接名词.例如:

He went on doing his homework in his room after supper.晚饭后他一直在自己的房间里做家庭作业.

After finishing his homework,he went on to read the text.写完家庭作业后,他又继续读课文.

You must go on with your work.你必须继续你的工作.

goondoingsth表示动作做短暂停顿后,继续做同一件事,而goes 是go的一般分词,;goontodosth.意为“接着再做另一件事”,指前后所做的事不同。



go on doing:分词作宾语

例:Tomgoes on doinghis homework.汤姆继续做他的作业。

go on to do:不定式作目的状语

例:I'llgo on to doanother research.我将继续进行下一项调查。

功能不同 含义不同

go on to do sth。意为“做完一件事,接着做另外一件事”,两件事之间有可能有某种联系。

例:After reading the text ,the students went on to do the exercises 。学生们读完课文后,接着做练习。go on doing sth。意为“继续做下去”。

例:It's raining hard ,but the farmers go on working on the farm。虽然天正下着大雨,但农民们继续在农场干活。。

go on to do sth.刚才做了一件事情,停了下来,现在继续做事,但是与刚才那件不同.

go on doing sth.刚才做了一件事情,停了下来,现在继续做那件事,

go on doing sth.意思为“继续(干某事),持续不断地(干某事)”,

go on to do sth.表示“(干完某事后)继续干另外一件事”,强调接着干另外一件事

