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  • 2023-05-16 17:35:49



best [best]adj.good的变形good的最高级,比较级better最好的,最佳的,最优秀的;胜过一切的;道德最高尚的;最熟练的最适合的,最恰当的,最理想的,最称心的,最讨人喜欢的,最令人满意的;最有益的,最有利的,最有效的最大的;主要的;大半的,多半的社会(或经济)地位最高的[美国俚语]好像最有利的adv.well的最高级,比较级better最好地;最合适地,最适当地;最有效地最高地;最大限度地;最,十分[常用于带连词号的复合词中]:best-suited最适合的best-known最知名的best-loved最受欢迎的更有用地,更明智地[亦作 better]更well1的变形n.[单数复数同] [the best]最好(或最杰出、最优秀、最能干、最有名望、声望最高、最有希望等)的人(们),佼佼者最好的事物;最佳精神(或竞技)状态;最佳部分(或方面、局面、效果、结果、性能、质量或成绩等);最好的形势;最合适的行动;最大好处(或优点);全盛时代;能力的巅峰状态;优势;有利条件全力,尽力,极力,最大努力最好(或最漂亮)的衣服,盛装最高记录;最好质量(数场比赛中的)大部分胜利[口语]最良好的祝愿(= best wishes)vt.[口语]超过,胜过;打败,击败,战胜;克服:He bested her in the argument.他在辩论中驳倒了她。Harry easily bested his opponent in hand-to-hand combat.哈里在白刃战中轻易地击败了对手。[俚语]欺骗v..[口语]最好,应当(= had best):.[口语]最好,应当(= had best):It is going to rain,I think we best go tomorrow.天快下雨了,我们最好明天去。You best phone your father to tell him where you are going.你最好给你父亲打电话告诉他你要去哪里。短语:尽量利用,充分利用(时间、机会等);尽情享用(在不利条件下)尽量(或妥善)利用;善于处理(困难、问题等)(在辩论或比赛中)获胜,获得成功,取得优势(在交易等中)占到便宜,获最大好处得胜,战胜,胜过;智胜;打败;克服;使屈服;处于优势;从…受大益在(斗殴、比赛、买卖等)中占上风;在(交易等)中得便宜居第二位,仅次于最好的被击败,输了在最好的情况下;即便作最乐观的估计,就最乐观的一面看,从最好的角度来看充其量,至多;说得再好也只是【股票】以(尽可能)最低价格买进;以(尽可能)最高价格卖出(尽管表面看起来不尽如意)(完全)出于好意(虽然初时不妙)终于(十分)圆满了结,(虽说初始不好)终于有(很)好的结果最佳办法,最好意见,顶好东西(all) for the bestall the best (书信末尾、告别或祝酒等时说)祝一切顺利as best one can (或may,is able) 尽可能,尽量,尽自己最大努力地at one's best (健康、情绪、才能、竞技等)处于最佳状态;处于全盛时期at (the) bestat the best of times 在情况最好的时候,即使在最好的情况(或条件)下[亦作 even at the best of times]be (或 dress) in one's (Sunday) best 穿着节日的盛装,穿着最好的衣裳best of all 最,首先,第一;最好地Best is best cheap (或 cheapest). [谚语]最好的东西最便宜。(意指价格虽高,但却经久耐用)best of British = the best of British luckbring out the best in someone 显示出某人最优秀的品质come off second best (或 second-best)do (或try) one's best 竭尽所能;尽力,尽自己最大努力do one's level best [口语] = do one's bestdo the best one can = do one's bestfoot it with the best 与行家里手并驾齐驱get (或 have) the best ofget (或 have) the best of everything 享有最优越的物质(或衣食住行)条件,什么都享受最好的,养尊处优get the best (或 most,utmost) out of 发挥…最大功效,最有效地使用give of one's best 尽力而为,全力以赴give someone best [英国口语]承认自己不如某人优越,向某人认输give something best [英国口语]承认某事物优越;向某事物认输had best 还是…好,最好(还是);以…为妙;宜于,应该,应当(后接不带to的不定式)have the best of = get the best ofhave the best of everything = get the best of everythinghave (或 get) the best of it (或the bargain)hope for the best 从最好的方面着想,抱乐观的希望If you cannot have the best,make the best of what you have. [谚语]如果不具备第一流的条件,那就充分利用现有的条件。level best 全力,最大的努力look one's best 显得比平时漂亮,显得极好看,显示出最好的品质(或状态)make the best ofmake the best of it (或 things, a bad business,a bad job,a bad bargain) (在遭受失败或不幸时)尽力把损失减少到最小;在不利情况下尽力而为,勉为其难;善处逆境;不顺心时随遇而安,遇到麻烦时能泰然处之make the best of both worlds 见 worldmake the best of oneself 尽力而为,竭尽全力make the best of one's way 尽快走,尽力赶路,尽量往前走one of the best 好人one's best 致意,祝好[信末语。是 one's best wishes 的节略]six of the best 见 sixthe best and brightest (社会上的)精英,优秀(或高级)人才,精锐The best go first. [谚语]好人不长寿。The best is (often times) the enemy of the good. [谚语]要求过高(往往)反难成功。要求过高,每得其反。好高骛远,成就有限。The best is yet to come 这只是开始,好戏还在后头呢the best of both (或all possible) worlds (常与have,get,make,want,enjoy等动词连用)兼有各方面的优点;两全其美(的),十全十美(的),尽善尽美(的)the best of British luck (to someone) [常作反语]好运气,祝(某人)好运,祝(某人)顺利,祝(某人)成功[亦作I(或We)wish you the best of British (luck).]The best of friends must part. [谚语]朋友再好,终有一别。the best of it (或the joke) 最有趣(或最令人发笑)的一点,最可笑的地方,最妙之处,最佳处The best of it (或something) is (that) 某东西最好的地方是…[这是that's the best of something的变体]the best of luck 祝…交好运the best (或 pick) of the bunch (或basket) 一批中最好的;精华The best of the sport is to do the deed,and say nothing. [谚语]体育运动好就好在做出行动,而不说空话。the best thing since sliced bread 典范,楷模;出类拔萃的人(或事物)to the best of one's ability (或power) 就自己能力所及,尽自己力所能及,竭尽全力,不遗余力to the best of one's belief 在某人看来,就某人所知,某人认为,某人深信to the best of one's knowledge 据自己所知to the best of one's memory (或remembrance,recollection) 就自己记忆所及to the best of one's power = to the best of one's abilitytry one's best = do one's bestturn out for the best 导致良好的结果;好转with the best of intentions 完全出于好意with the best (of them) 跟(他们之中的)任何人一样好,同能力最强的人一样好,不比任何人差would best [美国英语]= had best


